Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April News

Hi Parents/Guardians:
I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable vacation.
We are in full swing into our new unit in ReadyGen.
The children are reading a new genre historical fiction.
We started the book: The Earth Dragon Awakes the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906. The children will be learning and discussing about the characters Point of view about the events, actions and feelings.

In Math we are continuing 3-digit Addition: the children must use a variety of strategies to problem solve. For example: Break-apart method, quick picture and regrouping. It is important that the children know different strategies as well as being able to explain their answer.

As we move along I will post more information.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello Parents/Guardians,
I can't believe it's April already. Where did the time go?
Our class is blooming as we continue to meet the Common Core standards.

On a personal note I am feeling great and look forward to returning to work. I miss each and everyone of my students. I also want to thank all the parents for your understanding and patience. 

I will continue to post more information as we move along through the month.